Saturday, October 25, 2008

The God of Daniel - English & Arabic Editions

With the grace of God, I would like to announce the publishing of the new book, "The God of Daniel"- English & Arabic Editions. To order the book please visit:
English Edition:
Arabic Edition:
I hope it will be for your blessing. Please pray for me.

In Christ’s love,
Fr Abraam Sleman

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Discovering Jesus of the Revelation

We must study Revelation for the right reason. If we study it just to solve the secret of the Beast, with its seven heads and ten horns, or to set out the scenario of the Battle of Armageddon, we shall be fatally deceived. However, if we study it to discover something about the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be served royally!

The “Book of Revelation” is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:1), unavailing Jesus Christ. So, Study the Book of Revelation for the right reason alone, to reveal the riches of God in Jesus Christ and to understand the significance of His death and resurrection for our lives now and the future of the world.

So come, take your shoes off by the water of life and drink freely. Each real encounter with Revelation takes you for a new life changing experience, with the grace of God. Please, make a room for it with your busy agenda!

Should I Study Revelation?

First, God’s inerrant Word is reliable. No matter how difficult it is to comprehend the visions presented in Revelation, we must not forget that it is part of God’s Word. As such, it includes an inherent blessing from simply reading, hearing, and keeping those things we do understand. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3, NKJV).

Second, in the Book of Revelation, God reveals His wonderful plan of salvation, in our Lord Jesus Christ. As humans, we choose to trust in many things and place confidence in various people. Revelation tells us that the Lord God is worthy to be the object of our complete, undivided faith and worship. Here is the center of our worship, the focus of our obedience, and the source of our blessing, both now and in the future.

Third, God’s sovereign plan replaces fear with hope. People all over the world live under superstition, fear of the unknown, apprehension about the future, and an overwhelming feeling that the whole world is out of control. Wars, famines, diseases, natural disasters - all of these tragedies appear to be evidence that chaos reigns.

However, the Revelation shows that God is working out His sovereign plan, that He will destroy evil and that in the end, God wins! Knowledge of this fundamental truth replaces fear with hope and confidence.There are more reasons to study in depth the Book of Revelation.

So, if you wish to be a member of “Revelation Fellowship”, please send me a message. With the grace of God, we will set the time and the place of studying the Book of Revelation. Please spread the word to your friends.

Introducing Revelation Fellowship

Many think that the “Book of Revelation” is complicated and confusing. Even the so-called scholars find little agreement among themselves over the Patmos visions. Sadly, the church of God divides into sects and denominations over interpretation of apocalyptic imagery.

The good news is that the “Book of Revelation” is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ”. St. John promises all who read and keep what is written in the Patmos posts will be blessed: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3, NKJV). I think it is time to think and study seriously the Book of Revelation before it is too late.

When it comes to the Book of Revelation, some literalize it, and others spiritualize it. However, I would like to personalize it and have it for living. By studying the Book of Revelation, you discover the Mystery of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, a rich discovery that you need for life here and in eternity.

If you wish to be a member of “Revelation Fellowship”, please send me a message. Please spread the word to your friends.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When Christ Comes_ TV English

When Christ Comes_TV English" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

The God of Daniel - TV Episodes - Arabic

Episode 1: Introduction

Episode 2: Chapter 1_ Part 1

Episode 3: Chapter 1_ Part 2

Episode 4: Chapter 2_ Part 1

Episode 5: Chapter 2_ Part 2

Episode 6: Chapter 3_ Part 1

Episode 7: Chapter 3_ Part 2

Episode 8: Chapter 4

Episode 9: Chapter 5

Episode 10: Chapter 6_ Part 1

Episode 11: Chapter 6_Part 2

Episode 12: Chapter 6_Part 3

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

Episode 15: Chapter 7 - Part 3

Episode 16: Chapter 7 - Part 4

Episode 17: Chapter 7 - Part 5

Episode 18: Chapter 8 - Part 1

Episode 19: Chapter 8 - Part 2

Episode 20:Chapter 8 - Part 3

Episode 21: Chapter 8 - Part 4

Episode 22: Chapter 8 - Part 5

Episode 23: Chapter 9 - Part 1

Episode 24: Chapter 9 - Part 2

Episode 25: Chapter 9 - Part 3

Episode 26: Chapter 9 - Part 4

Episode 27:

Episode 28: Chapter 10 - Part 1

Episode 29: Chapter 10 - Part 2

Episode 30: Chapter 11 - Part 1

Episode 31: Chapter 11 - Part 2

Episode 32: Chapter 11 - Part 3

Episode 33: Chapter 12 - Part 1

Episode 34: Chapter 12 - Part 2

Episode 35: Chapter 13 - Part 1

Episode 36: Chapter 13 - Part 2

Episode 37: Chapter 14 - Part 1

Episode 38: Chapter 14 - Part 2

The God of Daniel_TV Episodes

Episode 1: Introduction

Episode 2: Chapter 1- Part 1

Episode 2: Chapter 1- Part 2

Friday, October 3, 2008

From Every Nation -- Revelation 7:9

One of the magnificent visions of the Book of Revelation is the vision of the multitude before the throne of God. St. John said, “I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9, NIV). Heaven is not culturally oriented.

This is fulfillment of the Lord Jesus’ prayer at the night of His agony. He prayed to His Father, "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:20-21, NKJV). Being one in Christ is a powerful message that the world may believe in Jesus.

I have these thoughts in my heart while we are getting ready to study the Book of Revelation. Thus, I am wondering; can we have, at least, the Revelation Fellowship’s group and its English meetings for all the believers “from every nation, tribe, people and language” as the Lord Jesus Christ prayed and portrayed in the Book of Revelation (John 17:20, Revelation 7:9)?

Please pray for this to happen and do something about it. At least, let us go and invite all our friends from “every nation, tribe, people and language” to gather with one heart around the word of God.

What do you think about that? Does it make sense to you? By the way, Revelation Fellowship’s group online has been set that you can invite all your friends in your list. Invite even those who are from different nationalities. Please, let God know what you do for Him.

Fr Abraam Sleman

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Revelation Fellowship Meetings

Starting Date:
With God’s grace, the fellowship’s meeting shall begin on:

  • Wednesday, November 5th 7.30 pm: 9.00 pm [English] - ET
  • Saturday, November 16th 7.30 pm: 9.00 pm [Arabic], after raising of incense [صلاة عشية] - ET


St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church. Address: 427 West Side Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07304

Online Webcast:

We would like that all the members of the group attend the meeting to have the blessings of the fellowship. However, with God's grace there will be online webcast for those who are not able to come.

Please let me know if you are planning to come to arrange for the suitable seating. If you will fellow the meetings online, please let me know to arrange for the suitable system according to the number.

Please pray that the Lord God anoints these meetings with the grace of His Spirit in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for me as well.

In Christ's love,

Fr Abraam Sleman

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Keys to Understand Revelation

The study of the Book of Revelation is a “seat belt fastening job” with “deep breath taking”. Please allow me to share with you some keys of how to study the Book of Revelation:

1- The Christ of Revelation
The central figure of Revelation is “Christ”. If we read Revelation just to unlock its mysteries as “The Beast with ten horns” and “The battle of Armageddon” we will miss its message. The Book of Revelation is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev 1:1). Discovering Christ, the meaning of his death resurrection and His glory is the central message of the Revelation.

2- The Immanent Message of the Prophecy
The Book of Revelation is a prophetic book. However, reading the Book of Revelation just to know about the future is not a living experience. The prophecy in the Bible is not just for telling the future but for the edification of the church and the believers whenever they are in the history line. Discovering the immanent message of Revelation is the 2nd key.

3- Understanding the Figures and Colors
The Book of Revelation is a master piece of the spiritual art drawn by the Holy Spirit. Figures and colors are richly used as a background of the text. Looking only for the text without understanding the figures and colors is like seeing the outlines of a great portray without seeing its colors, lights and shade.

4- The Biblical Apocalyptic Background
The Book of Revelation uses what we call the apocalyptic biblical language. This language drives its roots in the Hebrew Scriptures. Reading the book of Revelation apart from the knowledge of its Hebrew roots is like reading a text of a language with knowing its Alphabetic. The Biblical Apocalyptic Background is the 4th Key.

5- The Good News in Revelation
“I am scared to read the Book of Revelation”, this is that we often hear from many. Some think the Book of Revelation is about the horror of the end of days, the destruction of heaven and earth. Please, be relax it is not so. The Book of Revelation is part of the New Testament, “the Good News”. Discovering the good news in the Book of Revelation is the 5th keys.

I hope by outlining these 5 keys, we will be on the right track to understand and get the most of Book of Revelation. So, please get ready for the take off. Fasten your seat belt.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Discovering Jesus of the Revelation

We must study Revelation for the right reason. If we study it just to solve the secret of the Beast, with its seven heads and ten horns, or to set out the scenario of the Battle of Armageddon, we shall be fatally deceived. However, if we study it to discover something about the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be served royally!

The “Book of Revelation” is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:1), unavailing Jesus Christ. So, Study the Book of Revelation for the right reason alone, to reveal the riches of God in Jesus Christ and to understand the significance of His death and resurrection for our lives now and the future of the world.

So come, take your shoes off by the water of life and drink freely. Each real encounter with Revelation takes you for a new life changing experience, with the grace of God. Please, make a room for it with your busy agenda!

Discovering Jesus of the Revelation

PC Study Bible Data

We must study Revelation for the right reason. If we study it just to solve the secret of the Beast, with its seven heads and ten horns, or to set out the scenario of the Battle of Armageddon, we shall be fatally deceived. However, if we study it to discover something about the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be served royally! The “Book of Revelation” is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:1), unavailing Jesus Christ.

Study the Book of Revelation for the right reason alone, to reveal the riches of God in Jesus Christ. We should study it to understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection for our lives now and the future of the world.

So come, take your shoes off by the water of life and drink freely. Each real encounter with Revelation takes you for a new life changing experience, with grace of God. Please, make a room for it with your busy agenda!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The God of Daniel on Satellite TV برنامج إله دانيال

Fr. Abraam Sleman’s series, “The God of Daniel” have started airing on Aghapy TV on Sundays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time / 5:30 pm Egypt Standard Time. We hope you enjoy this in depth program of the Book of Daniel.

For North America residents, Aghapy TV has now moved to the Galaxy 25 satellite. It is the same satellite, which have CTV and Al Karma TV. Please re-tune your receiver with the following parameters:
Sat.: Galaxy 25 (97.0°W)
Freq.: 11966.0 MHz
Pol.: HorizontalSymbol
Rate: 22.000FEC: 3/4

Should I study the Book of Revelation? Is it relevant to my life?

First, God’s inerrant Word is reliable. No matter how difficult it is to comprehend the visions presented in Revelation, we must not forget that it is part of God’s Word. As such, it includes an inherent blessing from simply reading, hearing, and keeping those things we do understand. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3, NKJV).

Second, in the Book of Revelation, God reveals His wonderful plan of salvation, in our Lord Jesus Christ. As humans, we choose to trust in many things and place confidence in various people. Revelation tells us that the Lord God is worthy to be the object of our complete, undivided faith and worship. Here is the center of our worship, the focus of our obedience, and the source of our blessing, both now and in the future.

Third, God’s sovereign plan replaces fear with hope. People all over the world live under superstition, fear of the unknown, apprehension about the future, and an overwhelming feeling that the whole world is out of control. Wars, famines, diseases, natural disasters - all of these tragedies appear to be evidence that chaos reigns. However, the Revelation shows that God is working out His sovereign plan, that He will destroy evil and that in the end, God wins! Knowledge of this fundamental truth replaces fear with hope and confidence.

There are more reasons to study in depth the Book of Revelation. So, if you wish to be a member of “Revelation Fellowship”, please send me a message. With the grace of God, we will set the time and the place of studying the Book of Revelation. Please spread the word to your friends.

Revelation Fellowship

In the view of many, the “Book of Revelation” is complicated and confusing. Even the so-called scholars find little agreement among themselves over the Patmos visions. Sadly, the church of God divides into sects and denominations over interpretation of apocalyptic imagery.

The good news is that the “Book of Revelation” is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ”. St. John promises all who read and keep what is written in the Patmos posts will be blessed: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3, NKJV). I think it is time to think and study seriously the Book of Revelation before it is too late.

When it comes to the Book of Revelation, some literalize it, and others spiritualize it. However, I would like to personalize it and have it for living. By studying the Book of Revelation, you discover the Mystery of God in our Lord Jesus Christ, a rich discovery that you need for life here and in eternity.

If you wish to be a member of “Revelation Fellowship”, please send me a message. With the grace of God, we will set together the time and the place of studying the Book of Revelation. Please spread the word to your friends.